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International Communication


Erster Termin: 09.11.2021
Letzter Termin: 11.11.2021
09.11.2021 | 13:00 - 16:15
11.11.2021 | 13:00 - 16:15
max. 4 Teilnehmer
480,00 € zzgl. MwSt.
(571.2 € inkl. 19% MwSt.)

Live-Online-Training im virtuellen Klassenraum


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You’ve spent a lot of time developing your English language skills but still struggle to get your message across, build that relationship or understand why a project is not running as it should?

To communicate effectively, knowing the language itself is not enough, you also need to know the culture that surrounds the language.

The aim of this workshop is to raise awareness by looking both at our own culture and the culture of others and how these might impact on the effectiveness of our communication.

We will also touch on the language of English as today’s global lingua franca and how best to adapt our communication style to specific individuals and in specific situations.

Using a variety of awareness raising activities, critical incidents and through sharing our own experiences this workshop will be both highly interactive as well as communicative.


Part 1:

  • Culture and its influences on international communication
  • Cultural frameworks
  • Barriers to intercultural awareness

Part 2:

  • Essential business skills for international communication such as relationship building, networking, listening, giving and receiving feedback and managing conflict.

The focus of the workshop will be chosen according to the participants’ needs. 

Language Level:

You should have a B2 or C1 level of English. Einstufungstest/Placement Test


Sheena Weinlein

  • DELTA (Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages), MVHS accredited by the University of Cambridge
  • Intercultural Business Trainer/Moderator (IBT/M)®, assist International HR accredited by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Interkulturelle Trainingsqualität e.V. (DGIKT)
  • Certificate in International Business English Training (Cert IBET), The Consultants-E accredited by Trinity College, London
  • Certificate in Teaching Languages with Technology (Cert ICT), The Consultants-E accredited by Trinity College, London
  • Certificate of Advanced Neurolanguage Coaching, Efficient Language Coaching® accredited by Continuing Coaching Education International Coach Federation (ICF CCE)
  • Diploma in Administrative Management, Belfast Institute of FE accredited by the Institute of Administrative Management, London
  • IKS Business English Trainer since 2010 


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